Welcome to Room 24's Sharing Space

We are a great group of year one learners who love to have fun while learning. Please feel free to leave any comments. Thanks for visiting our site, we hope you come back for more updates soon.

You make the whole world smile

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Alister's Amazing Writing

I know all about earthquakes.
1. Earthquakes are dangerous
2. Go under a table
3. You can die in an earthquake

Maddy's Magnificent Story

I saw the crowds cheering in amazement! It was like magic sparkles.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Ben's Brilliant Writing

Once upon a time there was a mad scientist. He wanted to rule the world but first he needed something to help him. All of a sudden, BANG! lightning struck the ground and that made a machine! Suddenly a windup robot marched out and it had plasma shields surrounding it. Then it was the mad scientist verses machine! Again a windup robot marched out. Then the mad scientist called his magic light saber. It cut the robots easily, all the gears went flying out.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Recipe for making ice cream at home

After we read a big book called The Giant's Ice cream, the children asked if we could make some ice cream. Mrs Hartley searched for a recipe of how to make ice cream in a plastic bag. Here is the recipe. It takes lots of persevering and shaking but well worth it! See our video below and leave us a comment

You will need:
  • 1/2 cup whole milk (dark blue)
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon of vanilla extract, chocolate syrup, or cocoa powder
  • ice (crushed would work better)
  • rock salt
Put milk, sugar and flavouring into a zip loc plastic bag

Place that bag into a larger plastic bag (zip loc would work best - less leaks!) with the ice and rock salt

Shake, massage and agitate the bag until it freezes (10-15 minutes)

Tip: It is important that you are mixing the contents of the inner bag, but you don’t want to be so aggressive that you burst the inner bag or cut it on the ice. Double-bagging should prevent this. If your hands get uncomfortably cold, use a towel or an old t-shirt to hold the bags as you massage them; they will be quite cold


Ice Cream Making

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Gingerbread Men

Friday, September 10, 2010

2 minutes, 2 share, 2 day - Episode 2

Mr Cricket comes to RBS to visit

On Thursday 5th August Mr Cricket came to visit. He showed us how to cup our hands to catch a ball. We had relay races then got into two teams and played a game of cricket. Our score was 40 all.

Practising throwing and catching

Michael Jackson Heal the World

Here is the song we are learning for our production. Please let your child learn this song as often as possible.

PJ Party

Autumn Pics